Asking questions is essential part in any conversations, and Arabic
world is not exception. There are 12 the most common words to use for
making up questions in STANDARD Arabic language. These are:
(= Ayna) where
(= Man) who
(= Mata) when
(= Maza) what (usually after it, comes a verb)
(= Ma) what (usually after it, comes a noun/pronoun)
(= Lemaza) why
(= Leman) for who / for whom
أين المِفْتَاح؟ (= ayna al-muftah?) where is the key?
مَن هُنَا؟ (= man huna?) who is here?
مَتَى نَأْكُل؟ (= mata na'kul?) when do we eat?
مَاذَا تَفْعَل؟ (= maza tafal?) what are you doing?
مَا لَوْنُكَ المُفَضَّل؟ (= ma huwa lawnuka al-mufadhal?) what is your favorite color?
لِمَاذَا تَأَخَّرْت؟ (= lemaza ta'khart?) why you are late?
هَل أَنْتَ سَعِيد؟ (= hal anta saeed?) are you happy?
كَيفَ عَرَفْتَ الحَل؟ (= kaifa arafta al-hal?) how did you know the answer?
بِكَم هذا القَلَم؟ (= bekam al-qalam?) how much is this pen?
أي فِلْم سَنُشَاهِد؟ (= ayyu film nushahed?) which film shill we watch?
بِمَاذَا تَكْتُب؟ (= bemaza taktub?) how do you write? by what?
لِمَن هَذِا المِعْطَف؟ (= leman haza al-meataf?) for whom is this jacket?
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